Once you have the Incoming Call URL set, the web calls will come in normal HTTP post variables as displayed below.
POST Objects - Incoming Post Request - New Incoming Call
POST fields in readable format: [CallSid] => IDfbf7e812ere32hfhfg6e10-Cd5dacca0c-CA9d3572be-9f7a-11ea-97f4-5ffeb3239325 [InstanceId] => ID242258723hHds8fh29G4569b66e10 [AccountSid] => AC06bc1hjh293hFH9edjJ23539a9ddb1 [From] =>3035550000 [To] =>8044731212 [CallStatus] => ringing OR completed OR failed OR in-progress ORno-answer [ApiVersion] =>2012-04-24 [Direction] => inbound [CallerName] =>3035550000 [ForwardedFrom] =>null [CallTimestamp] =>2020-05-26T17:59:16.555Z [PostStatus] => callback ORnew
POST Objects - Status Update from an Outbound Call
Once a call has been posted to your server, you can use the API Call Markup Language to process requests. A quick example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say voice="woman">Please hold while your call is connceted</Say>